Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Top 5 Oral Health Myths

On behalf of the folks at Oxyfresh we present the Top 5 Oral Health Myths:

Myth 1. Bad Breath Is Caused By A Lack Of Brushing And Flossing
Truth:  Even with meticulous brushing and flossing, halitosis (bad breath) may still linger for some individuals. Excellent oral hygiene is essential for reducing the amount of bacteria, plaque, dead cells and food debris that accumulate on the surfaces of the teeth and gum tissues. All of these are largely responsible for oral odors and disease. However, there are other factors, many times overlooked, that contribute to chronic malodor. Dry mouth can be a major culprit to bad breath and can be caused by several factors, including the use of alcohol-based mouthrinses and harsh oral care products. Tongue cleaning is also a very important component to ensure a cleaner mouth and fresh breath.

Myth 2. Oral Health Does Not Affect Overall Health
Truth:  Research indicates a mouth and body connection beyond the obvious. The inflammatory response to gum disease in the mouth can easily allow bacteria and its by-products to enter the bloodstream, traveling through the entire body. This bacteria may reach major organs and potentially put your overall health at risk. Emerging research indicates periodontal disease may contribute to the development of heart disease and increase risk of stroke. Additionally, it may increase a woman’s risk of having a pre-term, low birth weight baby, pose a serious threat to those with diabetes, respiratory diseases and even osteoporosis. While further research is needed to identify all the risk factors, researchers agree a healthy mouth may be one link in reducing potentially serious health risks.

Myth 3. Stress Does Not Cause Problems In The Mouth
Truth:  In August 2007, The Journal of Periodontology released a literature review that indicated a positive relationship between stress/psychological factors and periodontal disease. There is enough evidence to suggest that stress may contribute to an increased susceptibility to periodontal disease. More research is being considered to determine the definitive risk factors and influence stress may have on our oral health. Some researchers are speculating that the hormone cortisol may play a role in the connection. Additionally, the correlation between stress and the decline in daily oral health care is being considered. It is agreed that by reducing stress, individuals may be at less risk of periodontal disease and other oral health concerns.

Myth 4. See My Dentist Regularly, Therefore I Don’t Need To Floss
Truth:  Visiting your dentist and hygienist regularly for check-ups and professional cleanings is essential to good oral health. Although it is important to be seen regularly, your daily routine at home plays a significant role as well. Millions of microscopic bacteria, plaque, food debris and particles accumulate throughout your mouth … every minute of every hour of every day. If you don’t floss, this bacteria and plaque find a safe haven in crevices between the teeth — which are the areas most susceptible to host more harmful, disease-causing bacteria. Initially, the gum tissues can become irritated and inflamed without you even being aware, eventually causing a chain reaction to more serious gum problems down the line.

Myth 5. Using A Mouthwash Will Decrease My Risk Of Gum Disease
Truth:  Although some mouthwashes claim to kill germs that cause gingivitis or are labeled as an antiseptic, that does not give you a “free pass” from gum disease. Many mouthrinses can be misleading, hyped and over-marketed to the consumer. This can lead to confusion when making a decision about the best home care products for you and your family. Most mouthrinses found in stores are loaded with dyes to visually appeal to the consumer, strong flavorings and sweeteners, including saccharin, alcohol (in some cases, up to 26%), and other harsh ingredients that burn and irritate tissues. None of these ingredients reduce your risk of gum disease.

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